
Our community is what makes the best place to find offers, deals and discounts online. To provide the best experience for you and fellow community members, we request everyone to follow the below simple guidelines. This is divided into two sections, and we’ve also included some tips on sharing offers, vouchers & freebies too:

The community guidelines and guidelines on sharing offers, vouchers & freebies are in place to ultimately make an amazing place for our community. Should you have any questions, please Contact Us and we’ll be happy to clarify them for you.

Community Guidelines

We welcome you to comment and share your thoughts with the community. To make this a friendly and welcoming place for everyone, you must adhere to the following guidelines when posting comments.

  • You must not post comments that are racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, crude, vulgar or otherwise discriminatory and/or offensive.
  • Please refrain from swearing, posting comments that are off-topic or otherwise holding personal conversations in the comments section.
  • Please do not post spam and/or flood the comments section with nonsensical messages.

Please note that we may remove any comments that do not adhere to these guidelines, and depending on the seriousness of the comment, we may temporarily or permanently remove the member’s ability to comment or suspend their account.

Guidelines on Sharing Offers, Vouchers & Freebies

Sharing offers, vouchers & freebies with our community helps all of us and we highly encourage you to do it. To maintain a high quality of offers, vouchers & freebies on, we ask that you follow the below guidelines.

Quality – Please aim to add value when sharing offers, vouchers & freebies with our community. This is very subjective, but we suggest you think about the following:

  • If I saw this offer posted by someone else, would I be interested in it?
  • Is it a good value? If I purchased it, would I be smiling?
  • Is this freebie really of value? 

Accuracy – When sharing offers, vouchers or freebies, please ensure you keep them accurate. At the time of sharing, the title, price/voucher code/P&P cost and description should be as accurate as possible. If you find that an offer, voucher or freebie has since expired or the price/content is now incorrect, please update it (or report it and we can take a look).

Originality – Please refrain from sharing the same offers, vouchers or freebies that have already been shared by a fellow member of our community. This includes avoiding posting the same offer, voucher or freebie, but for different variants (e.g., avoid posting twice for the same offer on a shirt, in red and blue colour). To help you verify this, our website tools (sort by retailer, offer types etc) are available to use. However, if you’re unsure, please Contact Us, or post it and we’ll sort it out for you.

  • If you find that the offer, voucher or freebie you’re planning to share has already been posted by someone else, please help verify that their post is still accurate. If there is an issue with it, please report it and we’ll review it.
  • If the original offer, voucher or freebie posted was updated more than 1 month ago, and there has been a significant change to it (price, content etc), please feel free to post a new version and report the old one for us to review.
  • You are however welcome to post offers, vouchers or freebies on individual products if someone has posted a broader content of the same type (e.g., if someone posts an offer for 20% off all clothing from a retailer, you can post a separate offer for 20% off oxford shirts from the same retailer)

Disallowed – The following offers, vouchers or freebies are not allowed to be shared on

  • Anything self-promotional and/or content that seeks to advertise your own products/services
  • Anything against the law or which promotes violence
  • Anything of a pornographic nature/adult content
  • Anything that infringes on copyrighted content
  • Anything seeking to crowdfund
  • Anything leading to an unsafe or malicious website

Additionally, in order to protect and safeguard our community members, all new content is swiftly moderated ahead of appearing for everyone to see. As part of these checks, we may slightly amend the content of the offer, voucher or freebie, or reject it if it fails to meet our guidelines. If a post is rejected, we will aim to inform you of the reason so you’re aware of it next time.

Please note that we may remove any offers, vouchers or freebies that do not adhere to these guidelines (especially disallowed ones), and depending on the seriousness, we may temporarily or permanently remove the member’s ability to share content or suspend their account.

Tips on Sharing Offers, Vouchers & Freebies

Please refer to the below helpful tips on sharing offers, vouchers & freebies. 

  • Title – Please keep it simple, descriptive and short. e.g., “Samsung Galaxy smartphone 22% off from x”
  • Link where you can find this offer – Please aim to link directly to where the offer, voucher or freebie can be found*. 
  • [OFFER] Regular and Discounted Price – The regular price of the product/service and any discounted price (if applicable and lower than RRP). Please keep it updated where possible or report it and we’ll review it from our side.
  • [VOUCHER] Voucher Code – Please enter the voucher code (also called coupon, promo or discount code) that is used to redeem the offer.
  • [FREEBIE] Postage & Packaging cost (if applicable) – Please enter the postage & packaging cost if it applies to the offer. If there is no postage & packaging cost, please leave blank.
  • Image – Please upload a clear photo of the offer, voucher or freebie. You can find and easily download images from the webpage that the offer, voucher or freebie has been posted on, before uploading it on All uploaded photos are automatically cropped to fit our website template, so use well-framed photos where possible. If you’re unable to upload an image, please leave it blank and we’ll sort it out from our side.
  • Description – Include as many details as possible about the offer, voucher or freebie. What makes this deal good, any personal experience, how to redeem it, details about it etc.

* Please note that we may occasionally substitute the link you shared with an affiliate link. This will not affect you or our community in any way, as clicking on the link will still take you to the same page as was shared with us. Please refer to our Affiliate Disclosure section for further details.