The Hobbit by J R R Tolkien (Paperback) - Save £3 @ Scholastic


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Smaug came hurtling from the North, licking the mountain-sides with flame, beating his great wings with a noise like a roaring wind. Against him stood – a hobbit. Poor Bilbo Baggins! A plump and peace-loving hobbit (as those small, furry-footed people tend to be), Bilbo hates adventures. But one day a knock at the door tugs him into a crazy quest, and before long Bilbo is on the road to danger! Whisked from his snug hobbit-hole by Gandalf the wizard and his dwarves, Bilbo is caught up in a plot to raid the treasure hoard of Smaug the Magnificent – a large and very dangerous dragon. Seen the film? Now read the epic book. It all started with Tolkien… right here.



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